Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Life of a Notary

Last night I was a witness to the signing of a Will for a couple I'm getting to know. What was interesting was the notary. What a job! She gets to travel, meet new people everyday, and simply be there to notarize what is being signed. It's sounds ideal in many ways. My friend S., one of the people who the Will was created for, started to ask her about her life and found out that she's also a writer, not published but possibly could be. S. thought why not write a book about all the interesting people you meet as a notary. Her husband B. thought up the title "Notarize This". It would be very cool. The notary also noticed how with every adventure as a notary, she finds coincidences or threads as she called them throughout her day. In fact the woman she met in a nursing home just that morning had owned the very house we were in (I was a witness to the signing) along with John. The house is owned my John's mom. We thought that was amazing--weren't sure after she left if it was true. But I've noticed as you can tell from my previous blog, on 2 degrees of separation that we aren't really separate; that these synchronicities happen all the time. We just don't pay attention.

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