Being sick for the entire length of Chanukkah has been somewhat of a bummer. I didn't sit home the whole week, but I probably should have. In addition to going to see The Golden Compass which was awesome, I went to my friend Paulette's house with John to light the candles, share food, and play my guitar for the kids. I was beat by 7pm, but I'm glad I went.
We didn't have any latkes. So I'm still dying to have just one. I always have at least one during Chanukkah.
On another note, I was so touched today when my 8 year old nephew called me up to thank me for his Chanukkah present. I had just watched, Mitch Albom's One More Day and so cried my eyes out. I'm so sentimental. And then because it was the last night I called up my buddy Laurie and asked her to sing the prayers with me while I lit my menorah. Luckily my other good buddy Gail was there as well so we all sang together. Feeling a little bit like Typhoid Mary, it still felt good to be with them even if only by phone. It's amazing how important family is at this time of year. It's hard because when you live in another city as I have for so many years, it easy to feel disconnected. Creating family of my own here in Seattle has been incredibly important. And Laurie said that she's got the latke making down this year and has promised to make me some once I'm better. Now that's a true friend.
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