Saturday, December 8, 2007

Killer Cold Cures

I can't believe it's been an entire week and I still have the "Killer Cold". It just doesn't seem to want to go away. Luckily I had a good nights sleep and feel more energetic than I have all week long. But that doesn't mean the creeping crud isn't still doing it's nasty thing. I think that the viruses out there have gotten more powerful lately. It seems like a lot of people can't get over colds as quickly as they used to; they just seem to hang on and on. Now we have all kinds of meds to help us get over them more quickly; Zicam, Zinc lozenges, Echinacea, Saline Rinses, Sambucol, Emergency-C. Not to mention, the biggie for travellers, Airborne. We are either trying to prevent or get over a cold. And many of us march into the Drs office thinking that he/she will have some magic bullet. Well there isn't one. I for one think it's all the stupid antibiotics we've been taking for years and now the anti-bacterial soaps that are knocking out any chance for our immune systems to keep up to speed on doing what they do best. So when a funky cold virus comes along we just can't handle it. I know someone out there will say I'm mixing up my apples and oranges or rather viruses and bacteria and never the twain shall meet, but I don't think so. I'm of the mind that we shouldn't be protecting the rug rats from eating off the floor. That's how they build up their defenses. Anyone out there who has a better argument. I'm all ears.


Treebyleaf said...

Heh. Don't forget the antibiotics we pump into our livestock so that they can limp along on the non-food we feed them long enough to reach slaughter age. Even if one doesn't eat meat, if everyone around you is getting sick...

The one thing I will still indulge in is immune boosters, like Sambucol and NAC supplements (an amino acid the immune system uses.) But there's no way around good rest, good food, and lots of liquid with a little salt in it. I once heard a naturopathic doctor complain, "Most people come in because they want me to fix their symptoms of stress and malnutrition, so they can rush back to their overscheduled, malnourished lives."

Lynn Chapman said...

Good point Tree...thanks for the comment!