Monday, December 31, 2007

Kenyan Election Stolen

As I prepare to go to Arizona to meet my friend J's sister, I wonder what I'll hear about the Kenyan election that just took place. A professor of history she went to Kenya to try and assist with the election process and bring about what was to be the first democratic election. A woman who tremendous passion about her work, I'm so interested in meeting her...but I know she'll probably be in a concerned mood about what has transpired. Luckily she made it out of Nairobi among all the riots; her mother sitting on the edge of her seat for the past few days.

It made me think about the movie I saw just last week, A Mighty Heart, about the killing of Daniel Pearl. People like J's sister want so much to bring about change in the world as did Daniel Pearl or at the very least report on what is really happening. We get so little real news back here in our ethnocentric country. I'm sure my world will be opened up as a result of just being with the family. I happened across the Mary Oliver poem, Wage Peace. I'm to bring something like that...a poem, a song, a story...this poem seems quite apropo given what has just ensued. Let's hope that violence there does not escalate, but with a people's hopes shattered...I fear it's unlikely. Pray for's New Years...that's all we can do for the People of Kenya and for the people of Iraq and our own 2008, let's hope for a saner world.

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