Friday, December 28, 2007

Making Challah and Remembering My Grandmother

As I knead the bread for the Challah I'm making for Shabbat, I can't help thinking about my grandmother who did the same but lived in two rooms and had 7 children to care for. What was her life really like? It must have been hard is all I can imagine. Poor as doormice, bread must have been a staple of every meal being relatively cheap compared to vegetables, fruit and meat. I do know they ate chicken. My mother remembers her mother swinging a live chicken over her head to kill it. Then she had to cut off it's head, kasher it by draining all the blood, and pluck it's feathers. This must have been an all day project. Just keeping a household running must have been an 18 hour a day job. And I know she also worked as a janitor to keep her family fed. An easy life, she did not have.

As I write the story of my grandmother...I stand in awe of her. I wish I had met her but she met a similar fate to many Jews of her time--she was killed by the Nazi's in Auschwitz. I know she went to her death a proud woman--an orthodox Jew who never compromised her principles. A simple loaf of Challah connects us. I'll never really know what her life was like but I feel her in my heart, bones, and soul. My middle name Ilona, was hers. Today Bubbe I remember and honor you and hope that the way I'm living my life is a testiment to the love I feel for you.


thesynergizer said...

Oh wow, Lynn, I had no idea! How did your mom/dad escape?

Lynn Chapman said...


It's a long story, but I've started to write a children's book about it. My mom was in hiding during the war in an orchard with her 5 sisters. My uncle and my grandfather worked during the entire war. My grandfather was born Catholic and so he renounced his Judaism to save his family. My grandmother was not as lucky; she was rounded up and gassed at Auschwitz. Someday if you are over here (and I hear you'll be moving here soon; yeah!) so that is more likely I'd be happy to show you the album I put together for my family if you are interested; it's filled with documents and photos and tells the story through these artifacts.

Hey an that I'm think I'm doing pretty well with my blog..almost at $30....I'm getting up to 7 page impressions a day...usually at least one click and I dont' think these are just coming from friends...I'll be excited once I can start doing what you are doing with Pay per Post....I start a new job on the
8th, so I'll have to keep on top of my blogging...I guess I can always do it at work...but probably will wait until I get home..I can't wait to see you...Love Lynnie and Happy New Year to you and the family