Monday, November 26, 2007

Getting a Job-Finding Your Passion

So is work all that it's cracked up to be? I mean--can one really find a job that won't totally burn them out. I'm attempting to find that job right now and I'm not sure it's possible. I have so many questions spinning around in my brain about finding that elusive job or career that will both fuel my passion and not totally leave me lying on the ground with my face smashed in. How does a 50 something who is single make a career change without totally stressing herself out. I'm hopeful though that with the sleep apnea machine my sleep will improve and I'll be much more resilient then I am now. That I can actually handle a more demanding job that I love. And I want to work with people I really like. Now..come that too much to ask? Maybe it is. But one can only hope.

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