Friday, November 23, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

This was one of those stellar days in Seattle. Bright and sunny, crisp and cold. My friend Susan is a docent at the Zoo and gets free passes, so she offered to take me. I didn't want to pass up the opportunity so we went. She warned me to dress warm...I didn't listen and ended up freezing but in the meantime saw some pretty cool animals. My favorites were the gorillas. There was a 3 month old baby gorilla (not yet named), attached to it's mama Amanda. It was simply adorable. I pressed my nose up against the glass to have a moment of communion with another gorilla. How could we not be descended from them? It feels like they are looking into your soul. Last week I saw a program on PBS about one small town that wanted to incorporate Intelligent Design into the curriculum along with evolution. Come on! It was just a sneaky way of getting Creationist stuff into the classroom. The evolutionists won the court case, thank goodness! So there are a few holes in Darwin's theories. But it's better than a theory based on the bible. And who's to say how many actually days it took God to create the earth, let alone people. We don't know how long a day really was. I don't see the conflict. And I particularly don't see it when I start into the eyes of a gorilla who looks and acts so much like a person and carrys 99% of our DNA.


thesynergizer said...

Do you have any moral issues with zoos? Ben loves the animals so we've been once, and we go to the pet store all the time. It makes him so happy, and I'm happy that he's happy, but sad that the animals live in teeny little cages and get stared at all day. It doesn't seem like a very nice life, KWIM?

Lynn Chapman said...


Hmmm....zoos nowaways according to my friend Susan are there to protect endangered species...maybe not all endangered species but a good many of them....also have you been to the Seattle Zoo lately..there are few if any tiny cages. And being a non-text messager I have no idea what KWIM means. Lynnie

thesynergizer said...

no, we went to the point defiance in tacoma.

that's a good point, and its nice when the animals have big habitats, but then your kid is sad when he can't see the lions :-)

i knew you wouldn't know, i'm working on teaching you internetese one thing at a time.

its Know What I Mean?


Lynn Chapman said...

KWIM-know what I mean--now I'll have to remember that one. Tell me how do I made a long -- on my computer. I think it's called an M line or something like that so I don't have to make those......thanks

thesynergizer said...

for me it's — shift option dash — but i'm on a mac, so i dunno if its different on a pc ...