Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Omnivores Dilemma

Ok...I know...I seems like lately all I do is book reviews. Well here is another one. I have to say though I keep picking books that are somewhat depressing. This book is no different. It really gives you pause to consider how corporate greed and circumstance have turned an ordinary vegetable...corn...into a commodity and the creator of not only horrible stuff like high fructose corn syrup but toxic waste from all the cattle that are fed some version of corn. Practically everything you eat if it's processed or comes from a cow is made from corn. What I found out is that corn-fed beef is actually not nearly as good for you as grass fed beef. But you have to go to Argentina to find that. Why has this happened? Well it's a combination of subsidies that have been given to farmers since the 50s and the fact that they can now grow a tremendous amount of corn and have to keep trying to grow more of it because the more they grow the more the market is glutted and the price goes they have to in order to stay afloat. So now we are awash in corn. And we have to come up with ways to use it. And we have. Who wins? Not the farmers...they are making a pittance...but the big conglomerates that make everything from plastics to ethanol to the lovely HFC I mentioned earlier that is so bad for you. What can you do? Read! Read all the labels on the packages of food you buy. Don't buy processed food. If you read a label and have no idea what the ingredient is corn...

After reading this book, I'm considering going vegetarian. Or going to Argentina where at least I know the beef is good for you.

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